Date(s): Mar. 20 - Apr. 17
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (Wednesdays)
University Religious Center
Mindful Unwinding
This 5-week class focuses on mindfulness practices which support skillful responding to stressful challenges of everyday life. You will learn how to begin unwinding unhelpful automatic habits such as: anxiety, smart phone overuse, stress eating and procrastinating through awareness and compassion practices that help foster resilience, wellbeing and social connection. Topics will include:
Overview of Mindfulness and Meditation Practices
Overview of the Habit Loop and Reward Based Learning
Enhancing Mind / Body Connections
Perception and Creative Responding, How You Perceive is How You React
Understanding Stress and Anxiety; Reducing and Recovering More Quickly
The Nature of Negativity Bias and Cultivating Positivity
Mindful Communication
This course is appropriate for beginners and anyone who would like to develop the habit of a daily mindfulness practice. Each class will include a variety of formal and informal meditations, practical yoga, discussions, and experiential learning.
Location: This class will meet in the Fishbowl in the University Religious Center.
Teacher: Robert Lurye is an artist, meditation practitioner and a Qualified MBSR teacher through UMass Medical School’s Center for Mindfulness. He teaches MBSR and Essentials of Mindfulness at InsightLA and is currently a facilitator in training with Dr. Judson Brewer’s ‘Mindfulness-Based Behavior Change’ program. This approach combines app-based training with in-person facilitated sessions to address habits from cigarettes to smart phones, emotional eating and anxiety. Robert also teaches at Long Beach Meditation, leads mindfulness workshops at various organizations and facilitates sitting groups for LGBTQ communities. He has been a computer animation artist since 1985 working in research, TV and feature film at DreamWorks Animation, Disney Feature Animation and other visual effects studios. He earned his Masters of Education at Ohio State and has taught traditional and computer art classes at OSU, Texas A&M and University of Texas, Austin.