Mindfulness Lab

Date(s): Mar. 22 - Apr. 19
12:00 pm - 1:20 pm (Tuesdays)

University Religious Center

Introduction to creating and incorporating an effective and ongoing mindfulness practice in all aspects of your life. This 5-week class is appropriate for beginners as well as anyone who want to refresh the fundamentals of their practice.

In this class you will learn to enhance your performance with improved emotional intelligence, motivation, and social skills. You will also reduce your stress and gain more happiness. Here is what you will learn:

  • Overview of Mindfulness
  • Mindfulness of the Body
  • Obstacles to Mindfulness
  • Working with Difficult Emotions
  • Cultivating Positive Emotions
  • Working with Difficult Thoughts
  • and more

Location – This class will be held in the the Fishbowl at the University Religious Center.

Teacher: Michael Stroud is certified to teach Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) by UCSD Medical School, and has trained with cognitive psychologist and MBCT co-creator Zindel Segal. Michael teaches mindfulness at InsightLA, Torrance Hospital and Alternatives, a Beverly Hills addiction clinic. Michael completed InsightLA’s professional practicum in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, trained with MBSR creator Jon Kabat-Zinn and completed the University of Washington training to teach Mindfulness-Based Relapse Prevention for addiction. Michael has meditated since the 1970s and has trained in TM, Zen, Ch’an and Jewish meditation. He has studied with Trudy Goodman, founder and guiding teacher at InsightLA, since 2006. Previously an entrepreneur and a journalist, Michael is currently seeing patients as a Marriage and Family Therapy Intern under the supervision of Ellen Ledley, a Santa Monica therapist in private practice.

Registration Form

"Mindfulness Lab"
Please check your calendar before registering - this class is on Tuesdays from 12:00 pm - 1:20 pm.

This class is fully booked

Have a question? Contact us by email at mindful@usc.edu.