Mindfulness Lab II

Date(s): Mar. 21 - Apr. 18
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm (Mondays)

Mindfulness Lab II

This class offers a natural next step for those who have completed our Mindfulness Lab class or have taken a class on mindfulness meditation elsewhere. In this class, we build on your understanding of mindfulness meditation and the insight that arises out of this practice. We will be exploring the obstacles to your mindfulness meditation practice and the ways to turn these obstacles into allies.

Day and Time: This class meets from 12-1 pm every Monday except for March 28.   You will get connection information for this class before the first session.

Teacher: Allyson Pimentel, EdD is the Associate Director of Mindful USC.  She is also a psychologist, yoga teacher, and long-time Vipassana meditation practitioner and teacher who works at the intersection of mindfulness, mental health, healing, and social justice. Allyson has been teaching mindfulness in clinical, secular, and spiritual settings, as well as in her private psychology and consulting practice, for close to two decades. She is a board member and teacher at Insight LA and also teaches at the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center.

Registration Form

"Mindfulness Lab II"
Please check your calendar before registering - this class is on Mondays from 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm.

This class is fully booked

Have a question? Contact us by email at mindful@usc.edu.