Mindfulness Lab II

Date(s): Oct. 24 - Nov. 21
5:00 pm - 6:20 pm (Mondays)

University Religious Center

This class offers a natural next step for those who have completed our Mindfulness Lab class or have taken a class on mindfulness meditation elsewhere. Build on your understanding of mindfulness meditation and the insight that arises out of this practice. We will explore the benefits of a growing meditation practice as well as common obstacles that come up in meditation, integration into daily life and continued support for your daily practice.

Please sign up for this class if you are able to attend all sessions.

Location – This class will be held in the the Fishbowl at the University Religious Center

Teacher: Mark Miller has been a meditator for 25 years. He has practiced in both the Tibetan (Kagyu) and Insight traditions, and is deeply committed to sharing the power of mindfulness. Mark is currently earning his doctorate in clinical psychology, and enjoys integrating Buddhist and Western psychological perspectives.

Registration Form

"Mindfulness Lab II"
Please check your calendar before registering - this class is on Mondays from 5:00 pm - 6:20 pm.

Reservations are closed for this event. There is no waiting list.

Have a question? Contact us by email at mindful@usc.edu.