Mindful USC – Online for MPH Students

Mindful USC – Online is an extension of our popular in-person mindfulness courses held on the USC main campus and the Health Sciences campus. In response to many USC community members who cannot attend our in-person courses, we are now offering some of our courses in an online, on-demand version.

The way our online courses work is simple:

  • Register and then choose the course.
  • Choose the start date when you want begin the course (today, tomorrow, next week, or whenever).
  • Select a method (text or email) for contacting you when the course begins and for each course session.
  • Select a schedule for the course. It’s important to have a schedule with some time between each session so that you can practice the instructions. We provide a default schedule with each course session separated by one week, but you can change that to your preferences.

That’s all you need to do. Then watch for the notifications that will be sent to you which tell you that the next course session is available with a link to the course video, instructions, and guided meditations.

Here is a link to start your online mindfulness class experience.